LEE AND JACKSON DAY CELEBRATION HELD: On Saturday, January 21, 2006, the Colonel Sherod Hunter Camp 1525 hosted it’s eleventh annual birthday celebration in honour of two of the South’s greatest leaders, General Robert E. Lee and Lt. General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson. This celebration, which has (with the exception of last year) been conducted annually since 1994, is the longest-running such celebration being held in Arizona. It is also not only the official celebration of Camp 1525, but of the Arizona Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, as well.

This year’s celebration was well attended by members of Camp 1525, as well as the Captain Granville Henderson Oury Camp 1708 of Scottsdale, Arizona, the Thunderbird Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and Camp Picacho Peak, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The celebration was held at Bill Johnson’s Big Apple Restaurant in Phoenix, a site which has become a popular venue for such celebrations.



A delicious luncheon was served, during which the attendees socialized and enjoyed good company and good conversation. The highlight of the event was the ever-popular Lee and Jackson Confederate Trivia Contest. This year, prizes were presented to the top six contestants. Ron Fox, Adjutant of Camp 1708, was the top scorer with no less than 29 correct answers! Way to go, Ron! Second place went to Larry Hammack, Commander of Camp 1708; Third Place to Steve Johnson of Camp 1525; Fourth Place to Deanna Adams of the Thunderbird Chapter, U.D.C.; Fifth Place to Margaret Harville, also of Thunderbird Chapter; and Sixth Place to Kathy Quillen, also of Thunderbird Chapter.  Pictured above are the top winners in the Trivia Contest, from left...Larry Hammack, Commander of the Captain Granville Henderson Oury Camp 1708, who took second place; and Ron Fox, Adjutant of Camp 1708, who took first place. Congratulations to all the winners in this year’s competition!


Raffles were also held. Camp 1525 conducted a "50/50" raffle, which netted a total of $56.00. The prize of $28.00 went to Richard Cups of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Camp 1708 was selling raffle tickets for a Confederate officer’s sword, the drawing for which will be held at the Picacho Peak event in March 2006.


All in all it was a very successful event, and about the only thing that could have been wished for would have been to see the rest of the Arizona Division, S.C.V. represented at the official Arizona Division, S.C.V. event! But be that as it may, those who attended had a great time, and Camp 1525 is very pleased to have hosted this event. Thank you very much to all those who attended!



JEFFERSON DAVIS MEMORIAL SERVICE: On Saturday, December 3, 2005, the Colonel Sherod Hunter Camp 1525 hosted it’s twelfth annual ceremony in honour of Confederate President Jefferson Finis Davis at the Jefferson Davis Highway marker located east of Apache Junction, Arizona. Attending this year’s event were Camp Commander Robert Perkins, Lt. Commander Dan Huskisson, and Camp Matron Tammy Perkins. Since so few attended this year’s event...one of the lowest attendances we have ever had...a full ceremony was not held, but military honours were rendered to President Davis. Pictured above are Camp 1525 Lt. Commander Dan Huskisson (left) and Camp Commander Robert Perkins (right) saluting the Jefferson Davis Monument as "Taps" is played in honour of President Davis.  So the central purpose of the event...remembering and honouring a great Southerner and great American...was fulfilled, despite the low attendance at the event.



CEREMONY FOR ARIZONA’S LAST UNION VETERAN HELD: On November 19, 2005, Camp Picacho Peak, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, hosted it’s first-ever ceremony in honor our Arizona’s Last Union Veteran, Private Parker Louis Gordon, at Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona. Private Gordon was a drummer in the Union Army during the war. The ceremony was well attended by members of the S.U.V.C.W., Arizona Civil War Council reenactors, and members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Representing Camp 1525 at the event were Commander Robert Perkins and Lt. Commander Dan Huskisson.


Camp 1525 Lt. Commander Huskisson, who also is a member of the S.U.V.C.W., played a part in the Honour Guard for Private Gordon.  Lt. Commander Dan Huskisson is pictured in the immediate foreground, in the Union Artillery Sergeant’s uniform.  The ceremony itself was very well done, and included a very interesting speech by a grandson of Private Gordon who actually knew the old man in his final years. Another interesting feature was that Private Gordon’s drum...whether his actual wartime drum, or a post-war Grand Army of the Republic parade drum was not certain...was on display in front of his tomb (he is buried in one of the mausoleums at Greenwood Cemetery, rather than in a grave in the cemetery itself).


All in all it was a great event, and it is a shame that more of our members could not attend. Hopefully it will be the first of many such events the S.U.V.C.W. will host in the future.


FORMER CAMP MEMBERS RETURNING: We are very pleased to announce that Eddy Davison, a former Compatriot of ours who dropped out of the S.C.V. a couple of years ago, has decided to rejoin our ranks. Eddy is a historian whose primary interest has been the life and career of Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest, and has written a book on his beloved subject, which is due to be published in the upcoming year. Camp 1525 is proud to welcome Compatriot Davison back into our ranks, and we look forward to seeing him again at some of our meetings and events! Welcome back, Eddy!


Also back in town is former Camp 1525 Compatriot John Crossen, who moved to Pennsylvania back in August 2004 and transferred into the Private John Wesley Culp Camp 1961 (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania). Unfortunately, the reasons for John's return to Phoenix are not good...John has developed throat cancer, and is undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatment at Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix. John has indicated that he hopes to attend some of our events while he is here...perhaps we will see him at our Lee and Jackson Day event in January. Camp members are encouraged to send him greetings and get-well wishes by email at clav2cavo@yahoo.com. Or if you prefer, his mailing address and phone number for more traditional greetings are as follows...


John Crossen

4632 E. Kings Ave.

Phoenix, AZ 85032

Tel. 602.992.5549


Either way, let him know we are thinking about him, and please include him in your prayers!


CAMP CHAPLAIN SPEAKS AT CONVENTION OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY: On October 1, 2005, Steve Johnson, Camp Chaplain of the Colonel Sherod Hunter Camp 1525, gave a well-received presentation before the Arizona Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, which included two poems he wrote while visiting battlefields of the War between the States. Bonnie M. Milam, President of the Picacho Pass Chapter, U.D.C., sent a very nice letter to the Camp thanking Steve for his presentation and urging publication of his speech and poems in the Camp and Division newsletters. Steve has been requested to forward same to your Editor so this may be done. Good job, Compatriot Johnson!



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Copyright 2006 by the Arizona Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans.  All rights reserved.  Last Updated on February 8, 2006.   Questions or comments about this site?  Contact the Editor by